Professional Pest Control Solutions Cambridgeshire 01223 581 351 Bedfordshire 01234 731 708 Hertfordshire 01462 768 390
Professional Pest Control Solutions Cambridgeshire 01223 581 351 Bedfordshire 01234 731 708 Hertfordshire 01462 768 390
The discovery of a wasps nest at your property can be highly inconvenient. You will often find that a nest will be in a hard to reach spot either in your garden or in the loft space of your home. For this reason it is vitally important you call in professionals to remove the infestation safely, which is where we at Associated Pest Control come in. We implement highly effective techniques for the treatment of a wasps nest Bedford to resolve your problem once and for all.
Our aim is to combat the problem as quickly as possible once you have initially informed us of your issue. This swift reactive control is for situations where the pests have already established themselves in a location and require a quick response to be eradicated, often the case with wasps.
Following an assessment of the situation, we will then devise a plan of action to make sure we succeed in the most effective removal of the nest. The main solution to dealing with wasps is to spray the nest in chemicals which kills off any wasps present and makes it much easier for the nest to then be removed.
The necessary planning has to be undertaken beforehand as all wasps have a flight path to and from the nest so standing in the wrong position when spraying the chemical can lead to you coming under attack. Due to this, all of our staff make sure to where the correct protective clothing and use long reach lances to spray the insecticide into the nest so as never to get too close.
Once the wasps in the area have been treated with the chemical, the nest can then be safely removed and disposed of accordingly. If you happen to have located a nest within your garden whilst in the process of redesigning, your team of garden designers Bedford can then continue their work in safety.
By calling on our service for the removal of a wasps nest Bedford, we will arrive at your property, inspect the situation and successfully remove the nest with very little hassle, stress or inconvenience on your part. If you need a nest to be treated, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team here at Associated Pest Control today.
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Posted in Associated Pest Control Information | Tagged wasps nest Bedford | Comments OffThe discovery of rats within your commercial property is a worrying time, due to the associated risks of a having a rat infestation. It is of vital importance that it is professionally handled from the moment you learn of the problem. If you are seeking an experienced and dedicated company for effective rat control Bedford, call our friendly team here at Associated Pest Control, on hand to restore your premises to a safe and sanitary environment.
Since founding our business in 1996 we have worked tirelessly to ensure customer satisfaction no matter how big or small the problem. Our time in the industry to date has taught us endless amounts with regards to both effective solutions to a host of infestations and meeting and exceeding the expectations of our customers.
We understand that finding rats inhabiting your commercial property is something you would prefer to deal with discreetly and efficiently. For this reason we offer a service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the option of an unmarked vehicle for our arrival at your premises.
We are familiar with working within a variety of commercial settings, these include:
• Restaurants
• Schools
• Factories
• Garages
• Food Manufacturers
• Airports
No matter what industry you work within, we assure you our professional service is guaranteed to solve the problem of rats so you can get on with running a safe and prosperous business.
It is essential that you take the necessary steps to freeing your property of rats from the moment you realise the problem. Rats are synonymous with spreading nearly 70 different diseases with research suggesting this number may in fact be higher. Protect yourself, your staff and your customers by calling us immediately.
For discreet yet effective rat control Bedford, do not hesitate to call upon the services of our approachable team here at Associated Pest Control. With a wealth of experience in rat control and many other pest infestations, we are confident in our ability to remove the problem quickly through implementing proven successful methods. For further information on our services visit our website today.
Posted in Associated Pest Control Information | Tagged rat control Bedford | Comments OffOne of the most common problems when working with grain is an infestation of insects such as weevils, grain beetles and mites which can severely affect its overall quality. Fortunately there is a solution in the form of fumigation which controls any infestation through the use of gas and here at Associated Pest Control, we are licensed to deal with all of your needs for grain fumigation Stevenage.
Fumigation controls all stages of the life of an insect from eggs through to adults so no matter what stage you notice an infestation, combative methods can immediately be put in action to eradicate the problem. This effective technique involves the use of phosphine gas and the whole procedure is only ever undertaken in regulated conditions by our experienced team of experts.
All grain is covered with plastic before the gas is activated and controlled over a set period of time dependant on the temperature of the surrounding area. Once this time period has elapsed, the plastic sheeting is removed and the grain is thoroughly tested to ensure the procedure has been successful. Once the gas has cleared, a fumigation clearance certificate will be issued to confirm that your service has been a success and the grain is clear of any form of insects.
Unlike procedures in which insecticide dusts or sprays are used, the gas does not leave any detectable substances after the treatment is completed meaning your grain can become a sellable product again in a very short period of time.
An issue with insects in your grain no longer needs to be a problem thanks to our service for grain fumigation Stevenage. Whether you have an extensive amount of infested grain or have encountered a small infestation, here at Associated Pest Control we can provide you with an efficient solution to rid you of your problem once and for all.
Posted in Associated Pest Control Information | Tagged grain fumigation Stevenage | Comments OffThe colder months of the year don’t just bring chilly weather to people over the UK, they also force swarms of cluster flies to invade our homes and buildings, posing a frustrating issue to property owners. Don’t let these pesky flies become a problem! As a skilled and experienced pest control Cambridgeshire company, we at Associated Pest Control can help to ensure your property remains fly-free.
In an attempt to protect themselves from the outside elements, cluster flies aim to seek shelter from the cold by finding small nooks and spaces to cluster within. This can pose a significant problem to homeowners, as nobody wants their property to be overrun by unwelcome swarms of flies.
The flies often choose to gather in loft and roof spaces, so if you keep finding rogue flies dotted around your house, try looking in these key areas for any sign of clusters. Often, thousands can gather together, so it’s important to catch the problem early, before it develops into a much larger issue.
Should the environment grow slightly warmer, cluster flies may begin to emerge from their hiding place, to lazily fly around the building, posing a nuisance to all those within the property. Although they don’t pose a significant health risk, their continuing presence within your living areas may begin to cause a consistent annoyance.
As we come into Spring, you may begin to see these flies appearing as a result of the warmer temperatures, so keep an eye out if you notice a few flying about, as this could signify that they are living within your building.
If cluster flies have chosen to reside within your property, then it’s essential to give us a call as soon as possible. We’ll be able to talk through the most appropriate methods for controlling and eliminating the problem, to leave your building free from flies.
Regulate the presence of irritating cluster flies with professional pest control Cambridgeshire from Associated Pest Control. With years of experience in successfully ridding properties from the consequences of pest infestations, we can ensure that your property is liberated from the presence of flies.
Posted in Associated Pest Control Information | Tagged cluster flies, pest control Cambridgeshire | Comments OffAssociated Pest Control‘s very own web site, now up and running.
Posted in Associated Pest Control Information | Comments OffWelcome to Associated Pest Control, here you can view our latest news.